Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Unfortunately, that describes my life these days. Don't comment me for details. Because none are forthcoming in this blog. But suffice it to say, there have been some very depressing things as of late.

Speaking of depression, have I ever revealed that I once institutionalized myself back in 1997, after serious thoughts of suicide? Yes indeed. I was also diagnosed with depression at the time. What a downer of a blog topic, huh? But who cares. At least it fills my quota for the day.

I spent three days hospitalized, before they felt I was safe to go out and face the world again - with a handful of pills. Those were strange days indeed. Most peculiar mama. Woah!

And they let me out just in time to attend the funeral of a friend's mother. Want to know what's weird? The night she died, I actually dreamed about her. Note to others - stay away from my dreams!


Jeffrey said...

They may have been strange days but damn, did they give me fodder for one of my best, as yet unwritten, screenplays, entitled "The Untimely Suicide of Eric Bailey."

It'll be a mix of Rod Serling's old Night Gallery show, The Manitou (heh heh), and the movie Deathdream.


I have lots of notes. I should write it someday.

bstrouf said...

Chin up and focus on the positive. We've all been down this road, and we're all still here. It gets better, you already know that...

JJ said...

Sorry to hear life is challenging for you these days. Sometimes life sucks, eh? I just try to keep in mind that it's always temporary, the bad stuff always gets better.

I guess everyone has their secrets, eh? We'd probably be completely surprised to find out what other people have been through.

The only thing you should be institutionalized now for is Extreme Sexiness! ;)


Miss Manners, can I take you home to meet my wife? I assure you, you'll have a good time.

Jeffrey said...



Hey, no stuttering in here!

Jeffrey said...

B..but...w-w-well, er, fine.

Jeffrey said...

Or, to quote the great Harry Zik, "uh-buh-duh what?"

He still alive?

Check on that tomorrow, will ya'?