Saturday, November 17, 2007


Well well, here I am. It's 9:30, and every other fellow blogger has filled their quota for the day. Based on the norm, I figured I had at least two more hours before the new entries would begin to filter in. But no, today I'm the last one. Now granted, I did do a quickie earlier today. But that doesn't count. That was just a cool song.

I really don't have much to say today. I have no topic. So perhaps it's diary time. What did I do today?

Well, I woke up around 8:35. Our youngest daughter woke up at that same time. Blame the alarm. It woke us both up - which isn't surprising, since she happened to be in the bed next to me. She wandered in around 6:00, and just stayed.

We went downstairs and found her sister and her mama. We bummed around a bit, then headed to the YMCA. Our oldest daughter was in basketball. My wife and I worked out on the treadmills.

We went home and had lunch. I had two hard-boiled eggs and a cheese sandwich. We then took turns showering - no shared one today. (Sigh) Then she left for work around 2:00. I've been on my own, playing daddy, ever since. She won't be home for another two hours.

Tomorrow we repeat the same performance. However tomorrow also includes a Packer game. Woohoo!

Oh, I spent maybe a half hour chatting (via Yahoo Messenger) with an old high school classmate, Ben Franco. Life is surreal sometimes.

Anyway, that's it for today. Perhaps tomorrow I'll be inspired to have something witty flow from my fingers. But hey, overall, I had a pretty good week - really long posts and such.

Until then, peace!

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