Tuesday, November 06, 2007


So, I will try to do this story justice. But my wife thinks this is one of those moments in which you just had to be there. We shall see.

Last night we sat down to dinner. We did so in front of the television. Sad? Sure. Whatever. I make no apologies. Anyway, my girls have taken to "The Flintstones." That warms my heart to no end! Anyway, we were watching an episode while we ate.

It was the episode where Fred and Wilma switched jobs for the day. Fred was under the impression that a stay-at-home mom's work isn't "real work." He thought he could pull it off, and considered it a "vacation day." In the meantime, Wilma went to work at the quarry for Fred.

So, Wilma discovers (just as Fred does) that each job is difficult. She keeps screwing up and dropping giant boulders (with the aid of her dinosaur) all over the place, nearly hitting fellow coworkers.

Well, in one scene, Wilma's not so lucky. Fred's boss, Mr. Slate, comes over to find out what's going on. And all of a sudden, Wilma drops a giant boulder right on top of Mr. Slate's head - which forces him into the ground. My wife sees this scene and immediately takes a big breath of shock, while at the same time, lifting her right hand to her chest. Now granted, had this been a real man, on a real construction site, there would have been cause to do that, as the result of the boulder would most likely have caused instant death to the unfortunate recipient.

But this was a cartoon. Mr. Slate calmly slid the boulder out of the way, and climbed out of the hole, no worse for wear.

And I began to laugh. And I continued to laugh. Pretty soon my sides were hurting and I was coughing. My lovely wife, realizing what she had done, also began to laugh. When I was finally able to regain my composure, I put my hand on her shoulder and calmly said, "It's ok. It's just a cartoon. Mr. Slate is going to be fine."

And we both laughed some more.

I hope I did this story justice. It was one of the funniest moments we've shared in a long time!

1 comment:

JJ said...

That's a great story.

And I can totally relate to your wife. I have been known to do similar things.