Friday, November 09, 2007


What was I thinking yesterday? I know I had something good to talk about. But for some reason, I can't remember what it was. Strange, I can remember vivid events from grade school, 25 years ago. Yet I can't recall a blog topic from less than 24 hours ago.

I must be getting old. Is 36 old? Perhaps it is.

Well, I'll try to tackle it anyway. Of course this subject is somewhat risque. And as at least one of you knows, my mother discovered my class blog a few months ago. But has she ventured over to this one? I don't think so. I've given her strict orders that I absolutely will NOT discuss ANY information listed on that class blog. There are some things that a parent simply should not know. And several of those things are revealed in that blog of mine. There has been an occasion where I revealed something, or remembered something I'd posted, and I'd say to myself, "Oh God, my mom knows THAT too?" Yikes! That is why the blog is off limits for discussion. It's my coping mechanism. It's called denial.

So anyway, horniness. What was I going to say? I don't know. So how about some theories then? I'm 36. According to all the experts, my sexual peak was 19 years ago - a time when I was barely getting any, if at all. No, I didn't have a way with the ladies back then. If you'd have seen me, you'd understand why. I looked like a mess. I was always clean. But I looked "unkept." My hair was ridiculous. But again, it was clean. And had you smelled it, you would have discovered the scent of Pert Plus, or Head & Shoulders - or whatever brand my parents were buying at the time. Ask Tina Short! She used to pet my hair during our senior year. She said it felt like cat hair - nice and smooth. I wasn't "getting any" from Tina either. Not that I wouldn't have minded it though. She was cute - and a lot of fun. My friend Jason was going out with her. He was a lucky guy.

I'm digressing. So anyway, what I was about to say is that I think my personal horny level has peaked over the last few years, and shows no sign of regressing. How is that possible? I don't know. But I'm not complaining. I guess my theory is use it lose it! Keep its usage up, and it will keep coming back for more.

Too much information? Perhaps. But when I'm behind a keyboard, anything goes!

This blog-a-day thing is fun. Now the real test - the weekend. Maybe it's time for some pictures too.


JJ said...

I keep coming back, hoping I'll come up with something to say about this, but I got nuthing.

Um- congratulations? Way to go? You da man?

How's the little lady feel about this know....

And I bet your mom is TOTALLY reading this. Moms are sneaky like that.


My lovely little lady has no complaints. I da man! And I da ho!

By the way, if you combine your names, you jet J.J. Manners - which happens to be the name of Michael J. Fox's charachter in a little TV film called "High School USA." Check it out.

Michael J. Fox never lived in Korea though. That's where the similarities end.

JJ said...

Did you know that off the top of your head?

I'll bring the hi, the hug, and the squid. Erin will bring the tequilla.

You bring the video camera.


Sadly, I did. I have had that movie for years. And what's even more sad is that I remember that name, even though I think I've only seen the film twice - and probably not since 1989 or so.

As for the rest of your plan... DEAL!