Friday, January 19, 2007


I went to bed on Wednesday night and all was fine. When I woke up in the morning, the big toe on my left foot was sprained. It hurt like hell. What the fuck is that all about? It throbbed all day. And then Erin mentioned the word "gout" to me. Ugh! Yes, it was in jest. But anyway, a couple Ibuprofin did the trick. My toe is much better today. Of course the left side of my ankle is a little bothersome thanks to to the fact that I used it more in order to favor the big toe. Fricken' body...

I have nothing else to say right now. Although I have plenty of time to say it. So what to do... How about sports? There's football this weekend. Let us all hope for a Bears loss. That's all I have to say about that.

How about TV - one of my favorite pastimes. I think my new favorite show is "The Office." My wife and I find ourselves laughing hysterically at it. There are so many little nuances in each episode that can make you laugh out loud. I'm starting to develop a crush on Jenna Fischer too. Are we alone in thinking this show is pure genius? By the way, for those who watch the show, the character of Creed was a member of the 1960's group, "The Grass Roots."

On another note, my mother-in-law is a masseuse. A few years ago, she gave me a coupon for a free massage. I still have it. And I want to use it. However, one thing has always crossed my mind. I've never had a massage before. And what happens if I.. you know... sprout wood? It could happen. Now granted, I'm not going butt naked in front of my mother-in-law. I would have shorts on or something. But still, I would know if I got excited. And psychologically, that's a little weird. I wouldn't be mad or disappointed in myself or anything. Stuff like that happens. Hell, it happens throughout the day sometimes - for no explainable reason whatsoever. So I don't know. I'm not weirded out so much that I won't do it. In fact, I'd like to do it soon. I think a massage would be great. But still, there's that lingering fear in the back of my mind. Am I crazy?


karmadog said...

Of course you're crazy, Burt. For dozens of reasons. But getting a boner during a massage, pfft. Big deal.

Now, if you're nipples get hard, you're a freakin perv.

Jeffrey said...

Wow, that post took us, the readers, on quite a tour. From your big toe to your johnson....

Gee, I think we all know you a little better now.